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About RolanDogs

Our Mission to Train Dogs and People 

Our Training objective is to uncover and nourish the bond that exists between you and your best friend. When you decided to take a puppy or adult dog home, you bonded with that creature and made a friend. That instant when you met, there was a communication success that made that moment possible.

As dog trainers, capitalizing on that success in communication is what we bring to the table. We focus on the things that work. If your puppy or adult no longer has that shine that made you fall in love and you can’t even go for a walk together, the chances are that you are no longer communicating on the same level as when you first met. It is as simple as that.

Our Relationships with our Canine Counterparts 

We love our dogs, and we commit to a relationship with them, but our communication skills need work. Our communication is key to building a good and long-lasting relationship with these fantastic creatures, and that relationship is key to anything we want to do with them.


It begs the question of: How do we communicate with our dog? Easy, we learn the language. In doing this, dogs are a few steps ahead of us because they are much better at reading us than we are at reading them, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get to a comfortable place where we understand each other.

Dogs Read Our Body Language 

Dogs understand body language, not words. They can be conditioned to learn words and learn many of them, but they don’t know any of them without being prepared. That goes for the phrase: “No.”

It is the first word we try to shove in our dog’s vocabulary, and it is the first word we have our clients drop from their vocabulary, mainly because most dogs have been conditioned to ignore this word; it is just noise. When we use this word, and the dog has not been conditioned to understand the meaning, what do we do? We repeat it many times.

In many cases, this could be dangerous, but in most cases, it’s just comical. If you have been in this situation, where you yell “No!” to your dog several times, with no result, don’t feel bad, most owners and trainers have been there. The key to communicating with your dog is not the words but the body language that your dog already understands.

Once you begin to communicate with your dog with body language, you will see a massive difference in your dog’s behavior instead of words. That is why our training objective is for you to experience that connection with your dog before you start using words like Sit, Down, Stay, Come and Go to a Place. The success with all these commands is directly related to that initial connection when your dog starts reading and connecting with you.

This communication is a two-way street, and that means that as a dog owner and trainer, you will need to learn to read your dog’s body language. When this happens, you will be uncovering that initial connection that once existed between you and your puppy. From that moment on, you will take care and nourish that bond; as you do, it will grow stronger every single day.

Get started by calling 305.798.7309 today and grow your relationship with your furry friend.

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