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Dog Training Services in Hialeah, FL

Behavioral Issue Solutions 

The most common behavioral issues we face are aggression toward dogs or humans, fearfulness, and a dog that pulls so much on the leash that it is just too difficult to walk without the risk of injury to either the dog or the walker. Most dogs we see for behavioral issues fall under these three categories. Still, whatever the issue seems to be, it always boils down to be a communication problem with a straightforward solution.

Let’s take the issue of pulling on the leash; in most cases, something can be cured in a few minutes with the proper communication between dog and owner. This is how this behavior starts: You put the leash on your dog, and he is all excited because he’s going out. You encourage the excitement and say words like “park,” “walk,” “play,” etc. The dog is pumped up; you open the door; he flies out; you trail behind him and follow him to wherever he takes you.

If you have a big dog, this can go bad quickly because someone can get dragged into traffic, or the dog can get away from you and get hit by a car. What the dog learned is not good and potentially dangerous, so we don’t walk him anymore because he pulls too much.

Now, this creature is condemned to living its life in a confined space where he doesn’t get enough exercise; so, he paces, barks at everything and everybody, and by doing that, becomes aggressive with anyone that approaches. Now the dog would become aggressive and a danger to keep. What happens next happens thousands of times every day in this country – the dog goes to the shelter and is eventually euthanized.

Our entire philosophy and reason for being here are to open the channels of communication between dog and owner, thereby curing many behavioral issues that condemn our dogs to a sad existence or early death.

Convenient In-Home Training 

No need to travel anywhere; we will come to your home and custom tailor a training plan to address the issues you may be having with your pet. Our trainer would come to your home and make an initial assessment. They would see first-hand what these issues are and recommend a lesson plan at a convenient time for you.

This is an excellent way to train your dog because it is done by forming a team to help you and your dog; however, there are some pros and cons that we will address. Overall, this type of training has shown to be the most successful way to get you and your dog on the right path.

From the very first lesson, you will begin to see a difference in your dog’s behavior. You will also experience some changes in yourself and the way you respond to your dog. Your walks will be different because you will be connected to your dog, not just by the leash, but by a common language you will begin to pick up on almost effortlessly. The trainer will come to your home for the first training visit and teach your dog behavior or a set of behaviors.

Once you and your dog learn the behaviors, the trainer will assign the homework (yes, there is homework) to you, and you will practice these behaviors every day for a week. The trainer will review the assigned behaviors on the next visit and add another demeanor to the mix. This will continue for the number of visits that were determined on the assessment visit.

Our method works so well that from day one, we forge a team-type situation where the trainer is a coach and the dog, or dogs and the family is the team players. Everyone plays a part, and every detail is essential.

From day one, the team learns the most important thing: communicating with each other. The dog learns to communicate with the family and vice versa. This two-way communication is key to the success of the program, and that starts the first day. We will show on day one that vital connection that would be the key to the training.

The cons of the system are that the team must work together; the training must be practiced every day consistently, and there are no guarantees. So, having said that, if you find that you do not have the time to spend 30 minutes to an hour with your dog daily, this program will not work for you.

On the other hand, the pros of this system are that it will produce the desired results if the team works well together. In a few short weeks, you will have a dog that is a pleasure to walk; will stay when you ask him; will not be a nuisance to your guests, and will come when you call him.

Group Classes

We are currently scheduling group dog, training classes. Call us at 305.798.7309 to inquire more about classes.

Teach your dog discipline to be your faithful companion. Call 305.798.7309 today and schedule your first lesson.

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